Cell Makers Eye Device as Radiation Protection
New York Post, June 12, 2001

by Bill Hoffman

The worlds big three cell-phone makers quietly have been working on protective devices to reduce the amount of radiation absorbed by the brain, newly discovered patents suggest. The cell-phone industry has continually insisted there is no proven link between cell phones and health problems.

But patents reviewed by the BBC suggest Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola believe otherwise. Two Nokia patent applications filed in 1995 and 1998, admit that, in the "worst case," it is absolute scientific proof of radiation problems, the "uncertainty" of the matter is affecting the "speed of growth" of the cell-phone market.

"The strong suggestion is that they were aware of possible problems," said Simon Best, editor of Europe's Electromagnetic Hazard and Therapy Magazine.

Best believes the firms are preparing for a doomsday scenario in case they are forced to include protective devices with every new mobile phone. The patent documents were uncovered as the big three face multimillion-dollar legal actions by people claiming their health has been damaged

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